2045: The Year Man Become Immortal from Time Magazine Feb. 21, 2011:
“sin•gu•lar•i•ty n: The moment when technological change becomes so rapid and profound, it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history”
If you think it’s absurd to say that by 2045 a computer can solve some problems better than humans, do read this article. It also pictures Aburey de Grey, author of Ending Aging whose goal is to break down the ingrained belief that aging is “natural and inevitable”. He states that we can eliminate aging as a cause of death in a few decades. After my time, thought, I plan to be a centenarian!
Also read Dallas Morning News, Feb. 17 headline “IBM’s Watson Winds Jeopardy Challenge? Pitted against the two most successful human contestants. Watson IBM’s Supercomputer won $77,147 three times that of the Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, the highest human winners.
“The Internet will change our world.” a bold statement I remember well by a college professor in 1990 at a World Future Society meeting. The audience response was “oh, come now! You’re grossly exaggerating.
My current question is — What’s next? Who can imagine?