Hollis Roberts


Your true genius lies in what makes you different: the things that come easy to you and not to others; the unique way you see the world; the passions you’re drawn to; your own blend of strengths and talents. So often we spend years trying to “fit in.” My goal (and my passion) is helping you discover, grow confident in, and get hired for what sets you apart: your unique brand of genius! I am a trained Career Design Consultant, NCOPE LinkedIn Profile Expert, and a member of the Resume Writer’s Association. Let’s find “your thing”, package it up, and land your ideal role.


New Grads
Job Seekers

My Story

How I Got Started

Several years ago I heard a quote by Mary Oliver, “What is it you want to do with your one wild and precious life?” It was the first time I stopped to consider that I could choose what I did with my life! I had a successful marketing career and a life that looked good on the outside. But on the inside? I was unhappy, burned out, and anxious. I dreamt of finding work that allowed me to feel peaceful, purposeful, AND successful. I wanted my time and my values to align. I wanted to feel like I could provide value and was valued in return. Somewhere along the way, I realized that the only thing between me and the life I wanted was…. me. What I needed was the courage and confidence to be who I am and value what my heart already loved to do. I started seeing my strengths, talents, passions, and how I could use them to pivot my career. This realization changed my life. My hope is that, whether you’re looking for your first job or your fifteenth, I can help you, too, go after what you really want from your one wild and precious life.

"Let belief, hope and confidence do the driving. Fear tends to get lost."

Hollis Roberts

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Mary Oliver

"You are your greatest asset."

Tami Berry

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